Call for Travel Grant Applications for SAR Biennial Conference
in Santa Barbara, Jun 21-23, 2025
The Society for the Anthropology of Religion (SAR) will make up to five (5) awards of US $450 each to underrepresented and financially needy scholars and Ph.D. students who: 1) are members of AAA and SAR; 2) will be attending and presenting a paper for the 2025 SAR Biennial Conference in Santa Barbara.
To apply, please fill out the form at this link by Saturday, March 15, 2025.
We need:
- An accepted abstract for the SAR Biannual Conference
- A personal statement outlining your current position/status, your doctoral degree date (or expected) and granting institution, your current employment, and explaining why you fit the terms of the travel grant (300 words maximum)
- A 2-page c.v.