Anthropology News Column

Anthropology News is a magazine published by the American Anthropological Association, featuring “insightful anthropology stories for anthropologists and anyone with an interest in anthropology.” Click here for recent articles sponsored by SAR for our section’s column. Additionally, you can find archived columns sponsored by SAR in the pre-digital version of the magazine (pre-2019) in Anthrosource.

SAR Call for Pitches

The Society for the Anthropology of Religion (SAR) column in Anthropology News invites submissions that convey short stories about religion inspired by fieldwork, popular media, or current events. Accepted submissions will be published in 2024 and 2025.

Anthropology News publishes engaging anthropology for a general audience rather than inward-facing scholarly discussions. “Vivid description, captivating tales, and adventurous forms of writing are at the heart of what we do. Think short-form magazine-style stories with scientific bite—low on jargon, high on storytelling.” Submissions for our SAR column can take the form of a short essay (up to 1600 words and 3 high-res imagesor a photo essay (up to 600 words and 8 high-res images).

If you are interested, please submit your 250-word pitch to Angie Heo (email:, write “SAR pitch 2024” in the subject heading). A successful pitch includes: 1) promising elements of a story (e.g., character, event, site, experience, etc…), and; 2) their overall connection to the anthropological study of religion (broadly conceived). If you wish to submit a photo essay, please also include 2 photo images in your pitch. Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis.