2018 Student Prize Meeting
The Department of Anthropology at San Jose State University kindly agreed to host this lunch for SAR.
Names clockwise starting from the left end of the table: Simon Coleman, Leanne Williams, Kalpesh Bhatt (finalist), Robert Weller, Mayfair Yang (mentor), Jane Saffitz (winner), Roberta Ricucci, Mara Leichtman (judge), Stacey Langewick (mentor), Khalidah Ali, Crystal Sheedy (runner up), Fred Klaits (mentor), and Tyler Zoanni (finalist).
Our host from the Department, Jay Ou, is standing in the back. We also thank the Head of the Department of Anthropology at San Jose State U, Roberto Gonzalez.
To find out more about the SAR Student Paper Prize, and the upcoming call for submission, click here.